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Software Reliability Training for DoD Acquisitions

Target Audience

The attendee is working for a US military organization.  Familiarity with IEEE 1633 Recommended Practices for Software Reliability, 2016 is highly recommended but not required.

Each course attendee is able to…
  • Know how, when and what to specify in a contract and statement of work.  Specifically contractual language related to software reliability objectives, system reliability objectives, software reliability tasks, roles and objectives.
  • Know how to tailor the software reliability activities to a given program or release
  • Know how to define roles and responsibilities for ensuring software reliability throughout development
  • Know how to monitor the software reliability during the development
Each student will receive
  • Contract language template for a statement of work

  • Checklists for tailoring the contract language

  • Data Item Descriptions (DID) for software reliability tasks

  • Examples of what to expect

Table of Contents

a. Software/firmware related risks and how to spot them early

b. The top then things that most effect software and firmware reliability

c. When to specify availability versus reliability versus MTBF, MTBCF, MTBI, failure rate

d. Identify software/firmware reliability goals that are feasible

e. Who does the software reliability tasks and when

f. What the contractor should be producing as deliverables during development

g. The core set of reliability tasks that are a must have on any program

h. Defining exactly what constitutes a software failure

i. Defining when and how the software failures will be counted and tracked

j. Defining reliability growth of the software/firmware

k. Defining what will be in the Software Reliability Program Plan

l. The set of reliability tasks for software reliability for safety critical systems

m. Software/firmware reliability predictions

n. Software/firmware failure modes effects analysis

o. Applying software reliability with an incremental/agile development model